Heyyyy yaaaa heyyyyy yaaaaaaa.
Shall make a quick update, since ive got speedy internet connection.
I know ive not been updating much on this blog and my tumblr.
Ive been real busy with skewl and all. Espacially my O'level art canvas.
And i just got my O'level prelim question paper today.
Zhiz iz reelay keelinz me.My prep work all not done, mounting boards still empty. Yes, all eight, empty.
And i still got my prelims on top of that, and all the fugged up revisions.
Got back most of my N'level prelim paper back, seriously, fucked up, real bad.
Oh god. What is happening to me? Everything is completely changing so drastically.
Okay, maybe not everything. Gotta endure nubzo, endure. Real bad.
On a brighter note, ive been fasting, and ive never missed a single day, till now, that is.
So darn proud okay, hello? During primary school, i use to sneak in 7-eleven to buy a hamburger with my close friend and we totally said that we're sibilings, and 'mak suroh beli burger untok nanti buka'. check check makan pat tangga. rofl. and those were the days man, i really miss all the boon lay primary kidzos. darn kewl and matured, for primary school kidz.
I seriously need more money.
I seriously need to go shopping after my exams.
Heh, but nevermind, shall enjoy real bad after the exams yeahh.
I know you have this thing on with her and all. But err, seriously, you should make up your mind. And what you did and told me the other day, really made me speechless. I know you dont have any bad intentions and all, but for your own good, takecare of yourself and control your feelings.
And to favourite boy, i miss you real bad dude. We need to seriously meet soon okay? I hope youre doing fine with your life after you left mine, just like that. And if i were to meet you, im so gonnaa kick you in tha ass and hug you real tight. Shit, i seriously miss you boy.